About Us
Buca Science and Art Center was established in 2019 by Buca Municipality.
Our main motto in this center is to raise the ‘Scientists and Artists of the Future’.
BSAC have a novel education system for gifted students.
Gifted students living and studying in Buca district of Izmir, from kindergarten to university, can receive special education free of charge in our center.
Young people and children in Buca, can follow and apply science and technology, produce their own projects and perform artistic activities in line with their abilities in our center.

Buca Science and Art Center Education Methodology has been published as a Scientific Article!
Our training methodology was presented as an oral presentation at the 1st International Congress on Gifted Young Scientists Education (ICGYSE). It was also published in the Journal of Gifted Education and Creativity.
​Our center's activities have been published as an article in the International Journal of Science Engagement as Good Practice Examples!

Achievements in International Science And Art Fairs
70 First Place-Gold Medal
50 Second Place- Silver Medal
37 Third Place-Bronze Medal
36 Special Awards
An International Organization That Brings Together Gifted Students From Around The World-BUCA IMSEF
Buca Municipality Buca Science and Art Center organize BUCA IMSEF (International Music, Science, Energy, Engineering Fair) to spread the spirit of scientific research and art to the whole world, to enable young people of the same age to make social and cultural exchanges, to bring together young gifted people from all over the world who open to change and development and interested in science, art and technology in Buca, Ä°zmir, Turkey.

BUCA IMSEF is Turkey representative of 60 international fairs from all over the world.
We are authorized to send students to represent Turkey to these international fairs.